What better way to say goodbye to a house full of memories and love, as well as some loss and pain, to take the edge off the jolt of the finality of stepping out of it one last time, than to be silly. So my wonderful “packsters” and I were.

Hugs in the kitchen. Sue behind Katherine

Katherine and I in the living room. We can almost touch both walls of my 12’6″ wide house

Never seen the basement this empty. We could dance a jig
Boy, that basement worked hard for me. For a long time it housed Plant Life, my aromatherapy and massage therapy products company. Many an essential oil and massage lotion were poured, mixed, packed and shipped from here. There was an invoicing computer and a labelling computer and lots and lots of bottles, boxes, packing peanuts. You could not see a patch of bare wall.
The transformation of the basement from dingy to bright was entirely due to Wilbert, my real estate agents’ partner. The neatest, quietest person you could wish for working in your house. Another person that Zoey charmed, and he charmed her when she visited the basement to inspect progress. He would get her dancing, and her eyes would be bright with glee.

Upstairs we go. I always loved this staircase, and it was the best place to display art

Katherine, lying where her bed was many moons ago when she lived here

Sue in the closet, but only for a moment

They made me do it, they made me do it, honestly. Glad it is dark

Do I even need an office now that I am retired?
A lovely young family have bought the house, including a new baby boy born between the purchase and the closing. They toured through last Saturday with some family members, and I am pretty sure they are excited about moving in. Ready to make it their own. I couldn’t be happier that they are the ones who bought it.
How do you say thank you enough to people that have given days of their lives to helping you get ready for this day? Words seem futile to express my gratitude. My three sisters travelled from England to help me sort, mentally for me the hardest parts of this. What to save, what to give away, what to throw away. It is so hard to throw away an item that has served you well but now really has no usefulness to anyone else. Sue ferried many a truck load of stuff to my garage in Owen Sound on her way home from work, and Katherine and Sue were with me for the final two days, working tirelessly. It was hard to get them to stop and eat. But thankful I am for all their help. And the lighthearted fun so that I could walk out of the door
Wow! It looks so different empty. Well, off you go on your amazing adventure! Can’t wait to see what comes next. Safe travels Maggie!