What a rich adventure I have had, not least because of all the lovely people that have joined me, for an hour or a month!
February 2019
My sister Sally who has gone above and beyond with her help, collecting things for the boat and ferrying me to the boat and then bringing summer stuff and taking winter stuff back with her. And my nephew Lucien, my steering coach.Trevor, Sally’s sidekick. Dani and Lucien conferring. A candle in a gin bottle for mood lighting.Katherine and Sue arrivingSue driving. Happy as a lark.Diver, Zoey’s favourite toy, she had to come along.Katherine on the towpath. Our first al fresco lunch, in February!Katherine, enjoying helming
March 2019
My sister Mary who joined me for March. We navigated the first stretch of the Thames together, along with the heavy and stiff locks on the Kennet and Avon canal.
My first cousin, once removed, Wendy, and her friend Dan. They joined Mary and I for a couple of hours in Reading.
A star on Little Star. My great nephew Ruben.He had to bring his parents, nephew Edmund, and wife Laura holding the phone!Laura, Ruben’s Mum.Getting ready for the Anti-Brexit march. Mary with college friends Suzie on the right of the picture, Sarah on the left. Suzie later visited the boat in Camden
Suzie and David’s son Jamie and his wife Helen with their son Robin stepped onto the boat for very short visits in Bath. I visited them at their home in Frome, pronounced Froom!
April 2019
Sister Jane on board in April
Martin, Janes’ partner, came on board for a weekend. Don’t know why I don’t have a photo from then, but here he is at a wine tasting at Big Head winery last summer.
Jane was on board for the return trip along the Kennet and Avon and the second stretch on the Thames.
May 2019
Anne Chetwynd with the prizewinning maple syrup that broke when the pound ran dry and the boat listed violentlyAnne, very quickly comfortable with the locks
Then came cousins, from the Oakden branch of the family, Mums sister’s children.
Cousin Jim and wife Karen visited for the first week of May. Jim is Wendy’s uncle, they live in Fernie, BC so this was a great way to get to know them
Karen broke her leg while skiing in January and lost her walking stick in the canal. We could not recover it. Here she is holding her temporary walking aid, a glove and apron over a stick.
We had a mini family reunion in Banbury, the Manns and Oakdens.
From left to right, Jim with Mary, Ann and brother Charlie, and Cathy.
Sally, with cousin Cathy and husband Les. Cathy is aunt to Wendy.Sally and Les
Next were my Hastings neighbours, Martin and Daniel, and my cousin John from Dad’s side of the family.
Julia and Carla
June 2019
Derek and Wendy, friends of Sally’s came for a few days, along with Sally, then Derek came back by himself to get more of a taste of narrowboating.
Last, but certainly not least, Sandra. One of my earliest massage clients and now friend.
Wow. That is an impressive summary… and so many friends and family members with great smiles. No wonder of course, given your great hospitality on Little Star. It was a hoot and an experience we will cherish for years to come.
You would not believe how long it took me to compile it. Getting all the pictures onto my mac, getting an internet connection that was strong enough, arranging the pictures and then accidentally deleting them! But worth it. I feel so lucky and honoured that people wanted to come and spend time with me on this part of the adventure.
Woke up early this morning and started thinking about all the adventures and could not get back to sleep again! I hope you and Martin have slipped back into daily life easily, but that your adventure with me makes you smile!
Yes, it has been an amazing 5 months, but I just pulled back into the marina today. On to Italy next week! This retirement lark is keeping me busy. Hope to see you before I go back in October.
Thanks for the memories Mags… loved every minute of it… even the sleet and pouring rain and even the fear of walking the gang plank. Interesting how scarey that was for me… no idea why espeically given that the water is not deep and the river bank so close!!!! what a hoot looking back. It was partly because I was afraid I’d slip under the boat… go figure. Hope you are enoying Italy as much. Surprise, surprise I’m in the Swiss Alps in a thunderstorm right now. … much love, mare
There was just an amazing thunder and lightning storm here, the lightning was like a crack of a whip. It was fun to go through the journal and map to put together the distances and locks everyone did on board. It will be a blog posting today. A bit of an overlap between Little Star and Florence as I did it in my Florence apartment!
What a wonderful collection of pictures, each telling their own stories of each adventure with very special people aboard! I am sure it is difficult to leave, but at the same time you are looking forward to new adventures in Italy! We can hardly wait to join you in Florence and create some lasting memories of our own with you!
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Gayle and Sara
Yes, I am looking forward to seeing you two too. I am settling in to Florence and getting my bearings, and stocking the kitchen with basics. I start school tomorrow and I am very excited.
Wow. That is an impressive summary… and so many friends and family members with great smiles. No wonder of course, given your great hospitality on Little Star. It was a hoot and an experience we will cherish for years to come.
You would not believe how long it took me to compile it. Getting all the pictures onto my mac, getting an internet connection that was strong enough, arranging the pictures and then accidentally deleting them! But worth it. I feel so lucky and honoured that people wanted to come and spend time with me on this part of the adventure.
Woke up early this morning and started thinking about all the adventures and could not get back to sleep again! I hope you and Martin have slipped back into daily life easily, but that your adventure with me makes you smile!
Christine A
Oh wow! What a testament to your welcoming ways and to how many people enjoy your company, Ms Mags.
Phillipa Dunnill
What a fantastic time you are having with family and friends. X
Yes, it has been an amazing 5 months, but I just pulled back into the marina today. On to Italy next week! This retirement lark is keeping me busy. Hope to see you before I go back in October.
Thanks for the memories Mags… loved every minute of it… even the sleet and pouring rain and even the fear of walking the gang plank. Interesting how scarey that was for me… no idea why espeically given that the water is not deep and the river bank so close!!!! what a hoot looking back. It was partly because I was afraid I’d slip under the boat… go figure. Hope you are enoying Italy as much. Surprise, surprise I’m in the Swiss Alps in a thunderstorm right now. … much love, mare
There was just an amazing thunder and lightning storm here, the lightning was like a crack of a whip. It was fun to go through the journal and map to put together the distances and locks everyone did on board. It will be a blog posting today. A bit of an overlap between Little Star and Florence as I did it in my Florence apartment!
Gayle Campbell
What a wonderful collection of pictures, each telling their own stories of each adventure with very special people aboard! I am sure it is difficult to leave, but at the same time you are looking forward to new adventures in Italy! We can hardly wait to join you in Florence and create some lasting memories of our own with you!
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Gayle and Sara
Yes, I am looking forward to seeing you two too. I am settling in to Florence and getting my bearings, and stocking the kitchen with basics. I start school tomorrow and I am very excited.