Thoughts, quirky insights and experiences in my meandering life.

Fixing the glitches, oh, and here is the website address

Is it a river, delta or landscape?

Wow, I am really happy with the response to the creations. There are little boxes going out in the mail tomorrow. It is exhilarating to know that my pieces are striking a cord and going out into the world.

I am really glad that I am not responsible for the website of a multi-national corporation, but I am sure that they would run a beta version past lots of people first. It was just Kailey and me, and even with Kailey’s experience there are glitches to fix. It was fun today to go through them and find solutions. So, here we go again.

When you get the latest Meanderings there will be an icon you can click on to go the home page of A Meandering Mann and Made by Mann. From there you can click on Available Creations. If you just want to go to the webpage it is I wanted to keep the Meanderings, or blog, as the first place you land when one is sent out.

Some of the pieces have numbers, some don’t. If you want to buy one quote the number and the area, e.g. Stacks, when you email me, and include your address for mailing, and a telephone number you want me to call if you want to use a visa or mastercard.

Now I will be tidying up my studio getting ready for my next endeavour. Nearly all of the Sauble pebbles are now jewellery, just a few haven’t found their home with another pebble or two yet. Some of them are lovely so I will have to think of more ideas. It will probably be a while before pebble jewellery will be on my bench again, although I do have some from the North East Coast of England and other styles of jewellery that will go up in a while. Getting the Sauble pebbles up was enough of a hurdle. But a happy hurdle. My tag line is apt, A Meandering Maker, I will be meandering from one thing to another.

The last blog was a long one, I hope you didn’t get bored before the end. It felt important for me to write so your thoughts and responses are always welcome.


Finally, the new site is ready to go, and the pebble jewellery is ready to launch!


If you build it, they will come, take two


  1. Donni Louise

    Hey Maggie,
    I am truly tech impaired and just learned how to follow people whose posts I never see! So now I’m following you and should now see your posts. 🙄🤱 I just got back to the gym in the fall and take water zumba and water aerobics 3x a week. I was also able to start taking watercolor classes again at the DE Art Museum in September. The Rainbow Chorale started singing “in person” in the fall with masks, sitting 3 in a long row and skipping every other row. So, our dress rehearsal Dec 4 was the first time we actually sang next to each other. That was so great. It really feels different when you can actually hear others sing. Do you have a temporary home in England where you create the bags and jewrly? New gyrlfriend or is that a business partner? Would love to hear from you. XO Su’shine

    • Maggie

      Hi Donni,
      So lovely to hear from you. I believe I have your email address so will reply that way. Expect communication shortly!
      p.s. my latest blog is up.

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