Thoughts, quirky insights and experiences in my meandering life.

A Meandering Mann

Thanks for joining me!



Yet another software learning curve


  1. anne roebuck

    Hello Maggie
    What a great time you are having— I would love to follow your adventures
    Safe travels.
    Love Anne

  2. Anne

    Looking forward to reading all your meanderings, Maggie… and maybe joining you on a short leg of your journey. 🙂

  3. BJ

    Thanks Maggie – and I’m so glad you’ve established a blog. And, fyi, when I just signed up for the alerts, the system told me there were already 213 folks signed up!!

  4. Ann

    Hi Mags
    Looking forward to reading your blog and seeing you sometime soon.

  5. Lori Copeland

    Count me in Maggie. Thanks for allowing me to travel vicariously through this blog 🙂

  6. Judy Marshall

    Let the adventure begin!!!!!!!

  7. Mary

    Hia Sis!
    You might want to point out to people that it is only if they reply to you that they get the chance to ask for email notification. like others I could not find it until now. I believe wordpress does allow you to add ‘tabs’ where people could click but not sure as I have not used it personally.
    love Mare oxoxo

    • Thanks Mary, there is still lots I don’t know! I am going to find the place where I can invite people and send that out. Then it can just be clicked on. So much to learn, and so little patience.

  8. Sandra

    Looking forward to following you on your adventures.

  9. pamelapolley

    Hi Maggie,
    I am excited for you and look forward to your adventures. You have inspired me to think about doing the same for my travels this year.

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