Thoughts, quirky insights and experiences in my meandering life.


Zoey did not survive the injuries she sustained when she dislocated her left hip and the events that followed.  For two days she seemed to improve and then she went down hill.  The vet suspected an ulcer caused by the pain and anti-inflammatory medication, and we began treating that.  However, she lost ground all afternoon on the fifth day after the initial injury , could not stand on her right leg, and was extremely lethargic.  Her death was unexpected and a deep shock, and the vet believes it was unrelated to the hip dislocation or ulcer, possibly a blood clotting disorder, but has no definite answer because there was no autopsy.

Zoey was two days shy of her twelfth birthday when she died, but in her heart and in her head she was not an old girl.  She was still full of the joy of living and enjoying it to her fullest.  Greeting people at the front door with delight, especially if she knew and loved them, and she loved many, as they did her.  She seemed to know if it was a loved one behind the closed door as she was extra happy and excited in anticipation.  She played gleefully with Katherine when Katherine would hide when she arrived.  Zoey would jump, and twirl, be patted, run for a drink of water, come back and repeat.

She loved everything about being a dog.  Famous for chasing bicycles, and even catching a few, she had a record with the city.  You could see the moment she lost her mind and begin to run after her prey with me screaming and running behind her, deaf to any commands.  Of course this led to more time on a leash, and me seeking safe places for her to fully exercise.  But I loved my walks with her as she and I explored the world.  Me usually visually, her by olfaction.  When it snowed she would sniff from paw print to paw print of other dogs and animals, one at a time.

Zoey was a great traveller.  We have done many long road trips together, Quebec and Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Sioux Lookout.  The next big trip was the one coming up, the canal boat and then Italy, and not having her as my companion has taken some of the shine away, at least for the time being.  But she will be with me in spirit.

Which ever room I was in, there she was.  A constant companion wherever we went.  Content to be together.  I will miss her so much.  She is buried in Owen Sound next to the graves of the beloved pets of my dear friend Sue and her partner Leslie, but she is in my heart forever.


Life happens when you are following other plans


Taking down the walls, building a foundation



    I am so very very sorry at the loss of your dearest companion. Zoey will be missed. Cherish the memories.

  2. pamelapolley

    Dear Maggie
    I am heartbroken to hear of Zoey’s passing. I still smile at her antics.
    Love and hugs Pam

  3. 4755mp

    Dear Maggie, This is a lovely tribute to a great companion.M&M

  4. Carol Bishop Gwyn

    Oh Maggie,
    I am so sorry about Zoey. And I know the hole she leaves in your life. But in time, something will come to fill that void. You are so brave with all your plans. I have such admiration for you.
    I am still in NL and return back to Toronto on Sept. 19. Take care of yourself

  5. silverfox1952

    Oh, dear Maggie… I am SO very sorry to hear about Zoey. What a loss for you!! She was such a lovely, happy girl, and I remember that she and Teaghan had some good walks together in Sunnybrook Park in days gone by. You will miss her very much, I’m sure, especially now as you have retired and off on your adventure in the UK and Europe. My heart goes out to you. Lots of big hugs. Love Anne xo

  6. Hi Maggie.
    Pierre, Wilbert and myself are sadden by Zoey’s passing, we all become very fond of her during the past few months. She truly was a beautiful soul. Your adventures with her will always be part of your journey. You were both blessed to have each other.
    Thinking of you.
    Margaret, Pierre and Wilbert.

  7. Jennifer

    Oh Maggie! I am so very very sorry……
    I loved the visits we had with her, and your words are sad but incredibly lovely…
    The kids will be so saddened at this horrible news…
    Big hugs my dear friend… Know that she was the luckiest dog on the planet to have you…

  8. 8n8n8

    Oh dear dear Maggie, my heart breaks for you. Such unexpected shocking news. Zoey was well loved by you, well cared for; a lucky lucky gal. She loved you too, you lucky gal. It feels good to think of you two beings enriching each other’s lives for more than a decade. Rest in peace Zoey. And you, dear Maggie, may the void you feel fill with good memories that heal you in time.
    Christine xo

  9. zombiemummy8

    I’m so sorry to hear you lost your beloved dog.

  10. kathieoakden

    Dear Maggie,
    We are so sorry you have lost your cherished pet.
    Love, Dave & Kathie

  11. glfarley

    So sorry to hear about Zoey Maggie.
    Love from Glen and Anne-Siri

  12. nancy penny

    Hi Maggie, I was so sorry to hear of Zoey’s passing. You must be shattered. When you lose a dog like Zoey, you lose a baby and a great friend all at once. Willie Nelson wrote a song that said that you never get over it , you just get through it and I think he pegged it. My thoughts are with you, Nancy

  13. annep57

    Hi Maggie, So sad to hear of Zoey’s death. They leave such a hole in one’s life and home. I was caught this week talking to a hamster at the pet store until I realised it was a statue! Perhaps time for new glasses. I read the loveliest thing this week on Facebook “the only time animals break my heart is when theirs stopped beating” I’m looking forward to a dog in retirement. I haven’t gotten back to you yet about visiting you next year, three problems to surmount, not much leave and tricky because of two employers, money, lack of, and most importantly James’ final year of school lending up to his exams in Oct/Nov. If I can come it will be decided after the start of school year in Feb 2019, after studying the timeframes. I left Kathryn in Sept 2015, but James is a different fish.
    With love and big hug, Anne x

  14. Alice Grange

    The worst part about having beloved pets is having to say good bye. My heart goes out to you Maggie. May your memories of your great times together give you some solace along with the knowledge that you gave her a great life.

  15. Suza

    Dear Maggie…I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Zoey was a beautiful ball of life force energy and she was so very lucky to have had you as her Mum in this lifetime.
    Big (((Hugs)))
    Suza and Alfie

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